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Any registered user can edit and save changes to the pages inside our wiki/book, and thus help others to find the best ways to do certain things online. Simply visit any page in the book, and you’ll be able to click on the ‘edit’ tab to edit the page. All changes are tracked, and even if you mess something up (accidentally, of course), we can go back and change it back to an older version.

Guidelines for the Wiki/Book

Please make sure things inside this wiki are geared towards a general audience (for example, don’t speak only about one application of a solution—or, if you do, broaden its scope by giving more general guidelines to how others might be able to solve the same problem with other solutions).

Always be charitable, and try to reference any sources for your material. Illustrations, when possible, are always greatly appreciated!

How to Add to the Wiki

If you’re logged in, you should be able to simply add a new Wiki (‘Book’) page, and you can also add Wiki child pages under main book pages (just click the ‘Add child page’ link on any book page, or select the parent page when you are creating a new Book page.