seeks Intern for Web Development
A Global Search Begins
November 2nd 2011
Few moments in’s (OBS) short history measure up to this one right here – let the global search begin for assembling a team for the mission.
For twenty months, the mission of OBS was led by a lone ranger (me, Seth DeMoor), traveling the ‘digital continent’ frontier, with no more than a video camera and laptop as his companions, and look where the mission has traveled: to every continent (digitally), to multiple TV appearances, to a new language, and all in 20 short months.
Where will OBS go next?
The Big Man up above only knows this answer, but as the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth reminds Catholics around the world:
“It falls, in particular, to young people, who have an almost spontaneous affinity for the new means of communication, to take on the responsibility for the evangelization of this ‘digital continent’.”
Who will answer Pope Benedict XVI’s call of service to the Church through the authentic witness of Catholicism on this new digital frontier? Perhaps he is calling you? If so, we want to hear about your ache to leave your cubicle and join a 21st century Catholic revolution.
The work will be difficult, incredibly rewarding, uncertain at many turns, and probably the best ‘job’ of your life. There will be no pay (initially), no insurance, only an opportunity to wake up daily with a mission, to share ‘one billion Catholic stories’ and beyond doing what you love to do! Who’s in?
OBS is looking for:
People ready to move to Denver, Colorado to form a team and begin working on the mission in the fields of:
••• Videographer/editor ••• Web designer ••• Programmer ••• Accountant/Advertising manager ••• Producer
If you’re still reading, that’s a good start, e-mail to receive a personal invitation and password for next week’s LIVE video chat on the website, to further explore the mission and vision. Till next time. Seth J. DeMoor