Created a new App for my kids
On May 3, 2013, myself and three others, launched a new app into the world of iOS. We have been working on this app for what seems like forever. This app crosses over into my personal life, as well as business.
Two years ago, my wife and I were trying to teach our kids a little more about the rich history the church has with Saints. Some of the more famous ones come to mind: St. Mary, St. Joseph, St. Christopher, things from my childhood, typical Catholic Saints. Together we couldn’t remember much. Since both of us are practicing Catholics, we wanted to share this with our kids. The trouble was, there just wasn’t much out there that we found useful for our 3-7 year olds, that wasn’t too graphic, too long, or very ‘modern’. It was also spread out all over the place, and wasn’t easy to keep coming back to. We wanted something handy, something that our kids could play with.
I started out by trying to learn xcode, but by the time I learned enough to get about half way into the design of the app, the OS was updated. I wasn’t familiar with Objective C at all, so it was a bit of stretch. After three frustrating attempts, I decided I wanted the App to come out before, phones went away, and we were all wearing watches or glass.
I turned to hire a developer to help me out, and things finally started to move forward. A long story short we had launched this past Friday. The next project I am aiming is to pick up the code for the Diocese App of opensourcecatholic and bring it into a couple of my web projects. in case anyone is interested in having a look. And now the challenge comes to promoting it. Catholic Social Media. I am just getting into a couple of resources on it. It is very different from building Diocesan Websites.